Invited Author

Chapter No. 5 - Properties of Aceaddity Elite resin
Aceaddity developed the Elite resin keeping in mind the users’ needs, successfully balancing different key aspects. From the tests and the prints I did, the result is a very good resin that doesn’t...

Chapter No.4 - 3D Printing Resin
We already saw how to test and calibrate the parameters for a generic resin. But what is a resin for 3D printing? What are the key properties to look for? Let’s answer these questions to understand...

Chapter No.3 - Calibration Procedure of Resin Printing
We discussed about the most important settings, how they influence the results and how to read different exposure tests available. Now it’s time to define a repeatable procedure to determine the pa...

Chapter No.2 - Exposure Tests And How To Read Them
In this chapter I’ll present the two test files I use and how to read them to adjust the printing parameters according to the results.
XP2 Validation Matrix
This is a very quick test file to find ...

Chapter No.1 - Setting Parameters of Resin Printing by Edoardo De Monte
Hi! I’m Edoardo, an engineer from Italy. I’m a miniature painter and I also build and paint planes and sci-fi models in different scales. 3 years ago, I started my journey in th...